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The University of Tennessee has installed life-saving devices in additional buildings on campus. The devices, automated external defibrillators (AEDs), automatically analyze the heart rhythm of someone suspected of having a heart attack. If the AED detects a problem that may respond to an electrical shock, the device will deliver the shock to restore normal heart rhythm.

Mark Smith of the UT Environmental Health and Safety office says that these devices have been located in athletic and recreation facilities on campus for years. UT Police also carry AEDs in their patrol vehicles. Now, Smith says, the devices have been installed in the following buildings on campus:

  • Alumni Memorial Building
  • Andy Holt Tower
  • Art and Architecture
  • Bailey Education
  • Clarence Brown Theatre
  • Claxton Education
  • Communications
  • Conference Center
  • Dabney Hall
  • Dunford Hall
  • Facilities Services
  • Haslam Business Building
  • Hesler Biology
  • Hodges Library
  • Kingston Pike Building
  • McClung Tower/Humanities
  • Presidential Court
  • Science and Engineering
  • Stokely Business Management
  • Taylor Law College
  • University Center
  • Walters Life Sciences

Select employees in these buildings have received training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and AED use. Anyone interested in taking a class in CPR/AED can contact Suzanne Rimmer at 974-5084 or Programs are scheduled at the Student Aquatic Center on Jan. 4, 6 and 7 from 8 a.m. until noon. The cost is $50 per person.

Faculty and staff that are interested in purchasing an AED for their department can contact Kim Harmon at 974-5084 or UT Environment Health and Safety will provide the online registration with Rural Metro, arrange for installation of the AED and perform monthly inspections.