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KNOXVILLE — The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, College of Architecture and Design is honoring the work of one of its professors with an exhibition this month.

The exhibition features the work of Professor Hansjörg Göritz, who has been internationally recognized for the past 20 years. The exhibition, called Stones and Sketches, is on display now through Nov. 11 in the Art + Architecture Building’s northeast atrium exhibition hall and consists of drawings, physical models, photographs and other representations. The work represents 25 years of selected award-winning architecture.

Highlighted in the exhibition is a selected number of works relating to the international award-winning National Capitol Forum and Assembly in the Principality of Liechtenstein, which was designed by Göritz’s German-based firm. The design process is represented in great detail, with some 500 original sketches, study models and documentary films on exhibit.

A special lecture and reception will be held Monday, Nov. 8. A lecture by Göritz begins at 5:30 p.m. in the McCarty Auditorium in the Art + Architecture Building and will be followed by a reception.

The exhibition, lecture and reception are free and open to the public.

Göritz started his professional career in 1985 and founded his studio, HANSJÖRG ARCHITEKTUR, the following year.

For more information about Göritz and his work, visit

C O N T A C T :

Kristi Hintz (865-974-3993,

Hansjörg Göritz (865-974-5265,