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The UT campus will be a little greener March 3 with the planting of 1,000 trees in honor of Tennessee Arbor Day.

The Make Orange Green initiative and Facilities Services are organizing the event, which is part of the greater Second Creek Restoration Project.

More than 80 volunteers from across campus will help plant the trees between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Friday’s project also includes litter cleanup and mulch raking.

At noon, Tom Simpson, regional urban forester for the Tennessee Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry, will present the saplings in a dedication ceremony on the south side of the pedestrian bridge between Staff Lot 7 and Estabrook Road.

The saplings were purchased using a grant funded by the Student Environmental Initiatives fee (green fee) and were provided by the Tennessee State Seedling Nursery through the Department of Agriculture Tennessee Division of Forestry.

All of the trees are native to this region.


Brooke Krempa (