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More than 200 classrooms across campus have technology enhancements, which include touch-panel controls for system components, computer display via projector, and in most cases a high-quality document camera and interactive devices, such as SMARTboards, SMART Podiums, or Epson interactive projectors.

Faculty, GTAs, and staff can request one-on-one or group training to learn how to use the technology in classrooms. Training workshops are also offered at the beginning of each spring and fall. Quick Start guides are available in each classroom that will remind you how to connect your laptop to the projector and SMART device.

If you find yourself in a jam at the beginning of class, call the TEC Hotline, 865-974-9110, for immediate assistance.

For non-emergency requests, contact the HelpDesk at 865-974-9900 or online at Additional information about the technology-enhanced classrooms is available on OIT’s TEC website.