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washingtonpostJill Mikucki, a microbiology assistant professor, was part of a team that detected extensive salty groundwater networks in Antarctica using a novel airborne electromagnetic mapping sensor system called SkyTEM. The hidden interconnected lakes could sustain life and shed light on ancient climate change. They also may provide the basis for future exploration of a subsurface habitat on Mars.

The Washington Post featured Mikucki and the study in this article.

Numerous national and international media outlets also featured the research, including the ABC Science, Christian Science MonitorHuffington Post, DiscoveryDaily Mail, the Verge, New Scientist, Business Insider AustraliaBusiness Standard, Yahoo! News, International Business Times, Irish Examiner, Science Mag, IFL, Silicon Republic, Red Orbit, Slate, the Weather Network Canada, Earth Sky, and Knoxville News Sentinel.