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The Ready for the World Café this week will journey into Africa — not only with a buffet of exotic foods, but also with a possible fundraiser for African causes.

The menu includes L’ham El Hlou (Algerian lamb dish), Mtuza wa Samaki (Kenyan curried fish), sweet potato pone, Moroccan chicken tagine with lemons and olives; Lasary Voatabia (Madagascarian salad), Ratatouille (Moroccan vegetable dish) and Egyptian rice with vegetables. The last three dishes are vegan.

Terry Williams, a junior in hotel, restaurant and tourism management, is the student manager for the week, and is trying to arrange for $1 from each meal to be donated to a charity for African causes.

The Ready for the World Café is open from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. each Monday through Thursday in the Hermitage Room on the third floor of the University Center at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Diners pay $11 for the all-you-can-eat buffet or $9 for a plate of food to carry out.